Raven 9 weeks old with a pine cone

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The Top Breed

The dog breed that is number one out of all of the dog breeds is the Labrador Retriever. The Labrador is also know for being the best family dog. That's why I chose (and recommend) the Lab. Labradors have been the most popular breed for 27 years and have many uses such as hunting, being a guide dog, being a family pet (my favorite), and many more. Labradors also love to swim even in cold icy water,and they shed a lot (Mine sheds so much that the house needs a nice good long sweeping a day). Second place goes to the Golden Retriever also a good family dog. So if you are considering buying a dog I highly recommend one of the retrievers (Labrador or Golden). Even though I prefer Labs you may want something else, maybe something less active. Labs require lots of play and walks, a minimum of an hour and a half a day (WOW)! That's why my Lab spends a lot of time outside during the day.

                                                         My Lab with her toy corn

1 comment:

  1. I like what you have to say! Is this also going to be written in your research report?
